Posts tagged 'roof repair'

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Mr. Shrinkwrap Protects Historic Mansion with Custom Reinforced Shrink Wrap Cover

Built in 1843, the Richard Ashbridge Mansion (once known as Indian Farm Run), located off of Route 30 in Exton, has been through lots of wear and tear over the course of the last 20 years...

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Mr. Shrinkwrap Preserves Glen Echo House

West Chester, PA – July 21st, 2014 – Shrink Wrap technicians from Mr. Shrinkwrap successfully covered the roof and chimneys of the Glen Echo House on June 20th, 2014.

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Shrink Wrap Used To Cover Mansion Roof

Mansion Roof Covered After Fire Damage

Shrink technicians from Mr. ShrinkWrap completed installation of a partial roof cover to the fire-damaged sections of a Georgian-style mansion roof in Buckingham on Christmas Eve afternoon.

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After the Storm - A Roof Wrap with Before & After Pictures

We're excited to share with you this before and after set of pictures from a recent shrink wrapping project of a home that was damaged from a fallen tree during a storm.

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Mr. Shrinkwrap Covers Homeowner's Roof Damage from Recent Storm

When a Delaware County, PA homeowner recently checked on their tarp-covered home, they found that the tarps were not keeping out the rain.

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