
How to Shrink Wrap Your Outdoor Furniture

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How to Shrink Wrap Your Outdoor Furniture

As you gear up for the cold months ahead, you might encounter the problem of how to get your yard and outdoor furniture ready for winter. The colder months bring rain, snow, and harsh temperatures, all of which can lead to major damage to your outdoor goods. We recommend preparing your outdoor furniture for the elements by protecting it with shrink wrap. Shrink wrap provides a protective barrier for your furniture that keeps any moisture, cold temperatures, and harsh weather from damaging your goods. Today, we're looking at the process of how we shrink wrap outdoor furniture.

For wrapping a cluster of outdoor furniture, we typically recommend using 24’ wide shrink wrap. For this width, you can typically place the furniture in a rectangle that is 6’ feet tall by 6’ deep. The shrink wrap can then be rolled out on the ground and cut to the length needed. One half of the wrap is spread out while the other half remains folded.

Once the shrink wrap is rolled out, the furniture can then placed on top of the wrap, leaving enough space of unfolded shrink wrap free to come halfway up the furniture.

Next, padding is applied to any chair leg bottoms or other pointy locations on the furniture. This helps to prevent any possible punctures in the shrink wrap.

The shrink wrap can then be spread out and over the furniture cluster. Once the shrink wrap is totally covering the furniture, excess shrink wrap can be cut away. The shrink wrap seams can then be carefully fused. We have various options for this fusing job, including our Shrinkfast 998 heat gun. (You can check out all of our heat guns here.) Once the wrap is totally shrunk, the fuses can then be taped for added longevity. Shrink wrap vents can then be installed, which allows for proper ventilation and air circulation. For wrapping a cluster of furniture, we typically recommend around 3 to 4 vents.

If you’ve waited until the very cold months to start shrink wrapping your outdoor furniture, keep in mind that applying shrink wrap tape in the bitter cold can be tricky. The adhesive on the tape is typically not as malleable and sticky in cold weather. You can flash-heat the shrink wrap where the tape is to be placed by very briefly applying heat to the wrap and then immediately installing the tape to the heated area, using a glove to push the tape down to the heated surface.

At Mr. Shrinkwrap, we supply premium quality 100% virgin resin shrink wrap in varying lengths, widths, and mil thicknesses. We recommend 24' wide shrink wrap for outdoor furniture wraps. We also supply a full line of installation accessories and everything you need to complete your shrink wrap job, start to finish.

In addition to supplying top quality shrink wrapping supplies and equipment worldwide, our Mr. Shrinkwrap team specializes in providing on-site shrink wrap services in a variety of commercial, industrial, residential and agricultural applications. Find out more here. If you’re interested in having us provide on-site shrink wrap services for wrapping your outdoor furniture, please check out this page for more information.

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