
Shrink Wrap Boat Kits

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Shrink Wrap Boat Kits

Time is running out to wrap your boats. With a boat kit, you'll have everything you need to do the job quickly. There is a little over one month until the start of the winter season.

As winter is fast approaching in the northern parts of the country, this inevitably means the time has come to wrap your boat for the next 4-6 months. While this task can seem daunting, Mr. Shrinkwrap has the solution for a one-stop kit with all of the essentials needed.

Our team of shrink wrap experts have put together kits that include everything you will need from gloves to tape to strapping, foam padding, knives, vents, and of course a shrink wrap heat gun.

Boat wrapping example 1

We offer these kits featuring three of our most popular heat guns, the Shrinkfast 998, the Ripack 2200, and the Ripack 3000.

If your boat is over 25’ we have a single-use option that includes the proper number of vents, stapping, and buckles to wrap your boat for one season.

If you have a boat smaller than 25’ we have a kit that allows you to wrap your boat three seasons in a row. This kit could also be used for those who may have more than one boat smaller than 25’.

Two options:

Option 1 - Large Single Boat Wrap Kit (25’ or larger)

Option 2 - Smaller Boat 3 Years in a Row (or three smaller boats less than 25’)

Once the kit is placed in your cart all you need to do is select the correct size of shrink wrap based on the dimensions of your boat. Buy Shrink Wrap Here

Mr. Shrinkwrap offers some pro tips for measuring your boat properly:

  • Above the Rail Measurement - On most traditional boats, there is a rub rail around the outer edge of the boat. The "above the rail measurement" is the distance between the rub rail and the highest point on the boat where the shrink wrap is expected to cover.
  • Below the Rail Measurement - This measurement is based on your preference of how far below the rub rail your shrink wrap should cover. Our preference is to cover every part of the boat above the waterline. This "below the rail" measurement is best taken at the tallest point of the rub rail.
  • Tucking & Fusing - Plan ahead to leave enough extra material to tuck the edge under the strap so that two layers of shrink wrap can be heat welded together to a secure installation. The heat welding can be done with as little as 6 inches of overlap. Keep in mind that the smaller the overlap, the more careful you must be that the shrink wrap isn't moving as you pull to secure it. With taller or wider boats, you might find yourself a bit short of material at the widest point of your boat - but don't worry! It is easy enough to patch a small part of the wrap if the material falls short somewhere. There should be enough excess material from the cutout made for the bow to use for the quick patch. Remember to use the rule of overlapping 6 inches or more for all edges of your patch as well!

Formula – Required Shrink wrap Width = (Above the Rail Measurement + Below the Rail Measurement + Tuck & Fusing) * 2

***Please notice the multiplication by 2 at the end of the formula! The formula above will only provide enough shrinkwrap to securely cover half of your boat without the multiplication by 2 at the end of the formula.***

Boats under 25’ in length may consider measuring from stern to bow with a path above the highest point on the boat, then adding a minimum of 6 inches of tucking and fusing at both ends. This method allows you to pull the shrinkwrap sideways over the boat so that the width covers the length of the boat.

Some boats may require the use of wood 2x4's for vertical support, we recommend using end and bottom caps for each support post to keep your boat surface scratch-free.

Boat wrapping example 2White - Most commonly used. Holds up in most climates well and offers minimal heat transference.

  • Clear - Primarily used to cover greenhouses. Also used for brokerage boats & liveaboards spending their winters ‘on the hard’. Clear shrink wrap is more likely to build up moisture under the cover and should be ventilated properly.
  • Blue - Ideal if your boat is being stored in an extreme northern climate. The blue color absorbs heat and allows snow and ice to slide off the boat. Not recommended for long-term storage or in spring-like conditions.
  • Be sure to get all of your supplies to wrap your boat this winter!

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