
Service Spotlight! Contract Packaging

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Service Spotlight! Contract Packaging

Service Spotlight

Did you know that Mr. Shrinkwrap can wrap your products for you?

Mr. Shrinkwrap offers Contract Packaging Services including repackaging, co-packing, and palletization. We specialize in small-batch services and have the capabilities to receive, wrap and ship all of your goods in a short turnaround time. We use our in-house sealers and heat tunnel machines in conjunction with high-quality film to pack the items you need either bundled, multi-packed, or wrapped individually.

Why use Contract Packaging?

Contract Packaging allows you to streamline your process and utilize our equipment and 20+ years of expertise. By using a contracting service you don’t have to worry about high start-up costs including equipment, materials, warehouse space, labor, and training. With our team of experts, your result will be a tight polyolefin shrink wrapped product that is suitable for a display shelf or for shipping directly to a customer as a tamper-evident and moisture resistant layer.

Benefits of Contract Packaging

  • Cost Benefits
  • Quality Assurance
  • Expert Experience

What is Repackaging?

Repackaging is when your products are sent to our warehouse and our team of professionals wrap the products in polyolefin shrink wrap then ship them to your preferred destination.

What is Co-Packing?

Co-packing is when your products along with boxes or containers are sent to our warehouse and our team packs your products into those boxes then wraps the boxes in polyolefin shrink wrap. After your products are wrapped they can be shipped to any destination.

What is Palletization?

Once we have packaged and shrink wrapped your products we will stack them on pallets and secure those with tight stretch film. We utilize LTL Shipping Services to have your pallets delivered to any destination.

We enjoy helping you reach your goals!

If you would like to schedule or get a quote for your products to be shrink wrapped, or if you have any questions about the process, please give us a call at 866-824-9011. We look forward to helping you meet your needs!

Get started today!

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