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Fact or Myth?

Myth: Winter weather has no impact on the function of a propane tank.

Fact: Propane contracts when it's cold. When it's extremely cold outside, the volume of propane inside your aboveground propane tank will shrink, which creates a loss of pressure.

Some people underestimate the effects of cold weather on propane tanks. When temperatures drop significantly (particularly into the negatives), propane tanks will lose pressure which can result in the propane not being able to reach the gas burner rendering it ineffective.

  • When the temperature of the gas reaches -44⁰ F, the propane no longer has the ability to convert into its gaseous form.
  • As the propane in the tank evaporates, the remaining liquid gets colder, combined with frigid outdoor temperatures the liquid propane can soon go below the freezing point of -44 inside the tank, which makes the tank unusable until thawed.
  • Cold temperatures still may also affect your propane pressure. If the pressure becomes too low, the propane inside your tank will not be able to reach your gas burner and can damage your heat tools.
  • Using a nearly empty propane tank is inefficient for shrink wrapping and can damage your heat tools. Remove tanks from service at 75-80% used.

Tips to Avoid Cold Weather Issues

  • Keep your propane tanks full. By maintaining a relatively full propane tank you will lessen the amount of shrinkage which will minimize the pressure loss.
  • Don’t cover your tank. It may seem like a good idea to wrap your tank in a typical insulated cover to maintain a warmer temperature, however, sunlight is a much more effective option.
    • If you do want to use a cover, Mr. Shrinkwrap recommends a PowerBlanket warmer.
  • Clear snow and ice from your outdoor propane tank. This includes regulators, vents, piping, and valves to prevent damage that could cause a gas leak.
  • Don’t pour warm water on the propane tank!

About PowerBlanket

Powerblanket products prevent fluids from freezing, protect critical materials and equipment, improve viscosity, optimize processes, keep personnel safe, and provide total temperature control and peace of mind.

PowerBlanket propane tank heaters provide a uniform barrier of heat across the entire tank. This heating solution reduces costs by optimizing temperatures and increasing propane tank efficiency.

Contact Us Today!

The professionals at Mr. Shrinkwrap are always here to advise you on what products will work best for you. Please call us at: 1-866-824-5881

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