
Heat Shrink Tunnels: Why You Should Use Your End of Year Tax Breaks On This Equipment

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Heat Shrink Tunnels: Why You Should Use Your End of Year Tax Breaks On This Equipment

Heat Shrink Tunnelsheat shrink tunnel is an enclosed piece of equipment that utilizes a conveyor belt and heat system to maintain consistent temperatures within the tunnel chamber to heat shrink various different items.

There are three primary types of shrink tunnels:

  • Recirculating Tunnels
  • Infrared Tunnels
  • Steam Tunnels

Recirculating heat shrink tunnels use hot air at varying temperatures, volumes, and pressure to heat shrink an item. The ease in controlling the temperature and volume allows for easy customization for different types of items and heat shrinking needs.

Infrared heat shrink tunnels are lined with infrared bulbs that do not have to come into direct contact with the item to apply heat. Instead, these tunnels use electromagnetic radiation to heat the surface of an object. Do not use infrared tunnels for items needing to be penetrated beyond the surface as this type of heat shrink tunnel does not have that capability.

Steam heat shrink tunnels inject steam into the tunnel to heat the item. Steam heat shrink tunnels are not applicable for curing or removing water/moisture.

Heat shrink tunnels standard sizes:

  • Range from 15” wide by 6” high up to 22” wide by 8” high
  • Varying lengths and extended heights available

Most common uses for Heat Shrink Tunnels:

  • Shrinking Film or Labels
  • Removing Water or Moisture
  • Curing Coatings of Paint
  • Heating Parts
  • Shrink banding

Why invest in a heat shrink tunnel?

Heat shrink tunnels speed up shrinking by mechanizing the shrink wrap process. If you are using a sealer and heat shrink gun regularly, a heat shrink tunnel may be the answer. If you are interested in expanding your shrink wrapping business, take the pressure off from having to manually shrink wrap all items with a heat shrink tunnel. This is the perfect piece of equipment to add a second line to your production and will greatly speed up the entire process. Heat shrink tunnels will also provide consistency in the finished product and will streamline the overall process.

Heat Shrink Tunnel Manufacturers:

  • Heat Seal


  • Maripack

Chose the Perfect Heat Shrink Tunnel

Selecting the right heat shrink tunnel for your needs and future plans/goals is imperative. This is an important decision. Let the experts at Mr. Shrinkwrap help you assess the options and determine which heat shrink tunnel is right for you. We are dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and know how important it is to pick the right piece of equipment. Feel free to call us at 1-866-824-3723

Be sure to check out all of the different heat shrink tunnel options Mr. Shrinkwrap has to offer HERE!

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